Discover Inner Peace
About Dhikr
Dhikr, is a next-generation mobile application to aid your journey to Discover Inner Peace. The mobile application provides a range of Dhikr functions, primarily:

Dhikr or Adhkar (remembrance of Allah SWT)


The aim is to build consistency in our daily routines - whether after performing Salah, early morning and evening dhikr or can even be personalized based around your daily routine. Our mobile application is inspired to help in building a connection with our creator through Dhikr, being a fundamental and an integral part of our life. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small”. [Bukhaari and Muslim]. Dhikr, or remembrance of Allah (SWT), comprises of two main notions: movement of your tongue and its effects in your heart. It should not only be felt as movement of your tongue, but also felt deep in your heart. Uttering the blessed words of “SubhanAllah” and “Alhamdulillah” is, of course, in itself a bounty. But when you become deeply engaged in the Dhikr of Allah (SWT), you are able to truly feel the pureness and love of Allah (SWT) and His religion. Dhikr not only resonates with the specific words, but in a wider scope, accommodates the recitation of the Quran, spreading kindness, and speaking good of others. From this, we learn that any good deed with the right intention is a form of Dhikr.
Allah (SWT) mentions those who remember Him through Dhikr specifically in Surah Al’ Imran, verse 181:
Indeed, if Allah has mentioned those who engage in Dhikr, then He has truly bestowed uncountable and unimaginable rewards on them.
Benefits and Rewards
Dhikr, encompassing all good deeds like Salah, reciting Quran, and spreading Islam, carries the honor of being the best deed a Muslim can perform. As we can learn in this Hadith:
SubhanAllah! Engaging in Dhikr allows us to perform the best of actions and raises our rank to the highest in the eyes of Allah (SWT).